Friday, January 27, 2012

Celtic Quest 12 Workshops Reg price $575
Special Offer NOW $450
Get 2 Workshops FREE
* pre payment required cash, cheque, credit cards accepted
For those of you interested in Ingrid's Animal Communications Course
She has a course on Feb 5th

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Please visit this website and read this article

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Celtic Quest A path in Awakening and Understanding...

Spend a magical weekend with Celtic Shaman Fiona Newman from The Healing House

February 24th to 26th, 2012

Capture the Enchantment of Celtic Mysticism and Mystery for yourself with Celtic Quest. This quest will bring you deeper into the depths of your soul, reawakening the mystical and magical part of yourself.We will awaken the Wisdom of the Soul, accessing the Wisdom within.

By introducing you to Celtic Shamanism we will be accessing a forgotten aspect of ourselves, the wiser, all knowing part of ourselves. This is known as essence. Learning how to embrace your essence will encourage you to bring forth your unique hidden gifts and talents. This process is prolific, like a well tended garden, your mind grows in healthy abundance.

Celtic Fire: Trinity Fire assist in igniting passion and fire in your life while releasing and burning away karma in the past, present and future. Awaken the fire within to bring about healing, creativity, strength and much more by reclaiming memories and knowledge that we need for our soul journey in this lifetime.

The Reason I am suggesting the Celtic Fire at the beginning is as a Clearing Ritual to ensure the body is a clear channel for the healing energy you will be experiencing when we invoke the Goddesses and to ignite the flame in the hearts of people attending.

Celtic Goddess: We will be invoking the Celtic Goddesses to share with us their female energy, strength, determination, willpower and any other gifts they feel will benefit us at this time. We will focus on Brighid.
Grail Springs
Located in Bancroft, Ontario
Mineral Capital of CANADA

Grail Springs is a transformation retreat for renewing body, mind, heart and Spirit. Located in a unique healing environment with a spring-fed lake, crystal outcrop, meditation gardens, horses and hundreds of acres of forested trails...
Raising Vibration

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6:00pm until 9:00pm

2012 is here!
Raising your vibration and expanding is what 2012 is all about....
Psychic Development Basic

In this 7 week course I introduce you to the basics of Psychic Development. We cover a different subject each week. This course is not an accumulative course which means you can join at any time without feeling lost or behind.

Cost $125 for 7 weeks Monday Nights and Thursday Mornings
Weekend Intensive Course $265

Energy and Auras

Understanding Energy and Auras. We use Psycomotry to feel the energy around our bodies, plants, crystals, photos and jewelery. We use different techniques to see and clear auras.

Dream Interpretation

Unraveling dreams and understanding the secrets they hold. Dreams hold valuable secrets for us. Messages and Guidance can be found within every dream.

Past Lives

Past Life journeys bring you to a place and time you never imagined you would re-visit or remember. This workshop is one of the Healing Houses most Popular workshops.

Spirit Guides

With very little effort we can establish a connection to our inner advisors. Once the connection has been made, you can have conversations with these advisors, to help in descision making, problem solving and achieving goals. These advisors are found within – they are parts of your higher self.

What are Chakras?

This class explains the where, what, how and why of Chakras. I introduce you to where the chakras are, what they do for us, why they may be out of balance and how to bring them back into alignment.

Tea Leaf Reading

Hidden treasure in the bottom of a teacup? Tea leaf reading is an ancient form of Divination which remains widely popular throughout the world. Tea leaves can provide guidance and clarity to anyone who shows an interest in the subject. Amaze yourself as Fiona guides you to interpret symbols and seemingly random patterns and shapes after enjoying a nice cup of Irish Breakfast Tea.

3 Hour Class Day/Evening

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Now accepting applications from Fairies, Leprechauns, Medieval Maidens, Kings, Queens, Warriors and Goddess's to be in the "Celtic Castle" Float in the St. Patrick's Day Parade March 11th 2012 I have all kinds of costumes.... ALL AGES WELCOME !

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Shamanism 1 Group and Individual Training
Spirit Guides
Animal and Bird Totems
Drumming and Journeying
Rocks and Crystals
Winds and Directions
Cost $45 per workshop
$500 for Certificate Course Save $20
The Healing House Membership for 2012
Some of the Benefits of becoming a member

Discounts on Selected Workshops,
Discounts on Treatments and Services
Priority Enrollment in Workshops
Monthly Meditations emailed to you
Free Download of Monthly Sound Meditation
Free Reading on your Birthday

and more..........

become a member ...$29.99 monthly

Automatic deduction billing on credit cards available
Healing House Practitioners and Associates
Thursday Jan 19th 6.30
Brief update on events, Contracts etc
Info night with Cathy Millage
Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor
Healing Share for Practitioners and Associates
Basic info on Chakras, clearing the chakras, charging the chakras.

Cost $25

Thursday Jan 19th 10am to 1pm 733 Dobbin Road Peterborough


Basic info on Chakras, clearing the chakras, charging the chakras.

Cost $25

Thursday Jan 19th 10am to 1pm 733 Dobbin Road Peterborough

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Basic Psychic Development
Monday nights 6.30pm to 9pm
January 16th Chakras

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Soul Purpose Messages & Manifesting Destiny

we celebrate our first "Raise your Vibration" night in 2012 Wednesday January 4th
6,30pm to 9pm

Soul Purpose Messages & Manifesting Destiny.
Find out your Soul Purpose and what steps to take tofulfill your destiny.

We begin with a meditation and Soul Cry. Each individual attending will receive messages Channeled from your Spirit Guides and Higher Self regarding your Soul Purpose. There will be clearly explained outlines steps to take to work toward Fulfilling your Destiny!
Spirit Guides and Loved ones usually make an appearance during this part of the class
Cost $45

January 3rd is the day to Celebrate Pax The Goddess of Peace

Pax The Goddess of Peace

She is often depicted holding an olive branch and a cornucopia. The olive branch is the symbol of both peace and serenity. The dove returned to Noah after the flood bearing an olive branch in its beak symbolizing the end of the tempest and the flood. “Holding out an olive branch” is a way people say “Lets make peace.”

The cornucopia is the symbol of plenty and good harvest. Pax is sometimes depicted holding one. The symbology is that peace brings prosperity and a time of growth.
Pax thus is the Goddess of Peace and Prosperity. She tells us that one brings the other.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Powerful Beyond Measure.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are
Powerful Beyond Measure.

It is our Light not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were all meant to shine as children do.
It's not just in some of us.

It's in everyone and as we let our own light shine
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fears
Our presence automatically liberates others.