Monday, April 23, 2012

Taylor Bradley and Graham Norman cover of Zombie by the Cranberries

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday April 11th 6.30pm to 9pm
The Dynamics of Energy Fields
With Jeremy Bouffard

This conference serves to demystify the topic of energy healing with an in depth exploration of the fascinating dynamics of energy fields. With revelations from ancient wisdom, new age understanding and modern scientific experiments, one gains wholesome and inclusive insight into the laws and perimeters surrounding such topics as distance healing, chakras, psychic ability, meridian lines, telepathy and auras. The information provided will assist each person with the recognition and development of their own energy fields, bringing about a level of consciousness to the dynamics of their own energy bodies.
The Healing House
733 Dobbin Road Peterborough Ontario K9j 2G6